About Destroyer:
First of all my apologizes. I'll never use hybrid modes anymore for games ... just because i'll not code any other game. I hate to be polemic and prefer to be clear regarding seriuos matters. Anyway this is not too serious for me. This is not my bussines and only enjoy coding small progs and music altough I'm not game coder nor musician. Also anyone cannot develop a game. I'm one of them.
You don't need to apologize

And you're still free to use that mode, tho I can't see the point on it. Same way I'm free to think that I can't vote your game (made with effort) same way as I can vote other games (made with effort also) that took the extra effort and work to be fully compatible.
It's just my opinion and should have the same value as one that gives you a 10. And nobody should apologize for that.
And if you have fun with making stuff and it's not too serious for you as you said, more reason to keep doing it! After all, the only think for what we'll be useful soon is to serve as Soylent Green, so we should try to have fun all the time we can. Not always so easy, right.
On cathegories votes, I was clear what points of your games I liked more and which less. As I did with any other. But globally I can't give you the same points as I gave to others. A -1 penalty would have been ok? -2? -3? Where's the line? That's subjective.
I submited own stuff to some places (other than MSX and not even programming stuff) and as long as I take part on a contest, I accept there must be different opinions about my stuff. They usually think it's crap, i'm used and can live with it

That shouldn't make you stop having fun doing what you like to do. Not if N people likes your stuff and only 1 doesn't like one part of it. No matter what one does, never will be good for EVERYBODY, that's life. If you can make something that more people likes that dislikes, I can't see why that's so bad and you should leave it. In my example, if I make some musics for fun and nobody likes (tho i put lot effort on it), that won't stop me from making musics (yeh, it's a menace! muahaha!)
To be clear. I would like to see more stuff from you (and others), but I TOTALLY PREFER if it's 100% compatible. And if it's not, cause some mistake or bug, that's ok. But if it's cause you choiced to make it not compatible, then again you're free, but i'm sorry I can't really see the point for that.