Well, I don't have a specific need... Rather, I'd like to contribute in some way with the scene.
Say, if we had a free (as in freedom) and powerful C library for MSX, that would compile with a free compiler like SDCC, we would have a lower entry-barrier for C hackers to write MSX software. There would be no need for those guys to mess around, reinventing their wheels all the time; just download it and write great software, while also learning a great deal from well-written code.
Ultimately, that's something very interesting for developers *and* users alike

If your library already runs on a multitude of environments, like MegaROMs and such, you obviously gave a lot of thought and work into it, much more than I could ever do for GFX lib. Who knows, maybe I could have been porting the 3D stuff as an add-on for your library. Maybe some great MSX devs could be porting their cool effects like realtime rotozooming and such...
Rafael Jannone