K, I made some quick tests on MSX2 and I'm gonna post now before I forget and also because being so close to deadline, if I has to be helpful, every minute counts

I didn't check joysticks as JamQue already did.
Both CMJN and Libreway works on MSX2 using ODO. I got some sprite glitches on Libreway. Just to be sure, both have no sound, right?
Nayade is a beta, so I didn't test much. Anyway I found some characters on the first screen (when credits appear) that probably aren't mean to be there?. A bullet or so.
Destroyer, doesn't pass VDP test (MSX2). Yep, skipping it with DEL key works. It's a kind of anti-real-MSX protection?

Jokes off, tho I can't turn my CRT 90 degrees, I think it's still playable. After all, we're used to sideview shooters. And you don't need to read scores while playing
Now i'm gonna try MSX1 to make proper and harder tests. I hope that, if you're still going to make some last minute fixes, we're still in-time and it's itseful info.
*Note: I'm only doing some quick compatibility tests, see if they work and if there are some glitches or strange behavios. I know it's still not a proper test, I should try more machines and more deeply into games, but no time for it. Didn't have time until now either. But It's something and if it helps, I'm happy. I'm *NOT* testing playability issues, cause for that I should spend more time playing and I'm short of time, but if any contestant wants my opinion about the little I played, feel free to ask.