Thanks, Imanok.
I wanted to do some experiments but in a playable game. Every coder creates programms they like, and I really like this game. I know some people don't, as I have read in MSX.ORGm-for instance-, but that's fine. Everyone has his/her taste.
About the technical part: (I know you didn't ask, Imanok

-"PRESS START": there are 2 screensplits: the first one from SCREEN 2 to SCREEN 3 (with the "PRESS SPACE" sentence), and the second back to SCREEN 2 for the "copyright".
-MENU: There's a mixture of magnified SPRITES and normal SPRITES. The logo ZERO are 4 magnified SPRITES with a sine curve movement horizontally and with some synchronization I split every line and move the same SPRITES but the odd lines are red and the even lines are white and move in opposite directions. The synchro goes on and when the raster has passed the ZERO magnified SPRITES I change to normal SPRITES, so that the red whale is not that big.
-GAME OVER: sine curve movement horizontally changing the colours of the SPRITE, having 8 colours per sprite (it could be changed per vertical pixel but I didn't have much time (nor space in the ROM) for everything I wanted to do so I changed it every 4 pixel.
-And you also have the 1bit sample I already played in SP8 INVADERS.
My sound experiments were just left out ... but they will be included in a possible future revision for the cartridge version. The game won't change but I would like to add the story of ZERO flying to the island/castle and crashing at the top of the castle as introduction and some things like envelopes with volume and some other little things.