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Autor Tema: Let's the discussion start! Suggest the MSXdev'14!  (Leído 13578 veces)
0 Usuarios y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.
Karoshi Maniac
Mensajes: 470

« Respuesta #15 : 01 de Agosto de 2013, 10:05:04 pm »

What about eight months instead one year Huh

I didn't though some people want to influence the voting system. That's so sad.
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Karoshi Forum's God
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« Respuesta #16 : 02 de Agosto de 2013, 06:42:18 am »

What about eight months instead one year Huh

Ehm... double the KBs, double the time? Wink. Nah, just for a simple reason: because every MSXdev had a duration of 1 year, except the 8KB and 16KB ones. Also the deadline will be again really close to a possible BCN RU date, and perhaps something can be done in cooperation with AAMSX (even announce the winners there?... mmm).
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero)
RELEVO Videogames
[Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.]
[pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
Karoshi Newbie
Mensajes: 26

« Respuesta #17 : 05 de Agosto de 2013, 12:23:44 pm »

Your proposal seems always so reasonable, Jon! I also agree with Makinavaja: I would limit the voting to the users with a minimum number of posts. This is agains myself  Tongue, but I believe is quite fair.

On the other hand... why limit the ROM size? If any team want to work on a 128 kb project it's great! Let's encourage them!

I would like to use this post also to offer my little help to any team. I don't have any technical knowledge, but may be I can help with manuals, translation into English, level design or tests. Whatever. Feel free to send me a private.
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Parecía buena idea...; ¡Con lo bien que iba...!; ¡Qué infortunio!
Karoshi Lover
Mensajes: 236

« Respuesta #18 : 06 de Agosto de 2013, 12:27:41 pm »


- ROM size: I like it 32/48KB instead of 16KB. Going 32KB is very straighforward from 16KB (specially with asmsx), so you can focus on the code instead of optimizing for size, removing things, compression/decompression, etc. Going 48KB adds an extra complexity, but it's up to the contestants to cross that line Wink
- Price: I love the 60/30/10% distribution proposed by Mortimer.
- Deadline: I like both "main" opinions 6 months / 1 year as long as the deadline doesn't collide with real life "busy" moments (like christmas or new year's eve). Making it match RUMSX or other MSX events sounds cool Cheesy
- Voting system: I'd prefer a score-based system instead of the current points-based system. It's more fair and its results are less discorageous to the non-winners. But I admit it's harder to manage :/

Finally, what about a double deadline? It's a pity that many of the bugfixed versions didn't get into the contest. What about "forcing" a public version one week before the deadline? Or having one extra week after the deadline to solve bugs (and just that)? Any other suggestion to avoid the "last minute" problems?
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theNestruo."Old BASIC programmers never die; they GOSUB but never RETURN."
« Respuesta #19 : 07 de Agosto de 2013, 01:09:38 pm »

Hi, my opinions:

- ROM size: 32/48KB is better of 16KB. Anyway I'd allow any size/mapper. It adds extra complexity, but it's up to the contestants to cross that line  Wink
- Deadline: IMHO having the deadline during  holidays like Christmas or new year's eve is a good idea. People on vacation has more time to code and/or judge the entries.
- Stay in English: the msx pool is already very small, going to Spanish would kill the msxdev definitely
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Karoshi Forum's God
Mensajes: 2777

WWW Email
« Respuesta #20 : 10 de Agosto de 2013, 05:11:26 pm »

Reading every suggestion, thnx everyone for taking the time. And for the others: speak now or forever hold your peace!
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero)
RELEVO Videogames
[Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.]
[pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67

« Respuesta #21 : 11 de Agosto de 2013, 10:19:22 am »

I agree with some of the suggestions, but others not at all:

- ROM SIZE: go back to 32/48KB ROM will let all developers be more comfortable. It was a challenge to make something
  very limited, but I think that it's a good idea to again let bigger size.
- Deadline: it's alright. No overlaping with others contests and more time.
- Prizes: as Mortimer said could be a good idea to share the prizes with the two or three best contestants. It's necessary
  to think about the percentages, but it's a good idea.
- English/Spanish: I understand people think that the thread of the contest might be in spanish (my english is terrible).
  But on the other hand I agree with the idea of use of english for it. If we want to be opened to all contestants, not
  only spanish, we need to continue using english. Of course, we need to advertise on other forums and webs to "spread
  the word". There isn't problem to open another thread in spanish to talk about the games/projects, although the main
  thread might be in english.
- Voting System: I agree that voting system need some twist. Only show the result after deadline of the vote seems a
  good idea. Only letting to vote to users with more than 50 (or 100) posts seems reasonable, but for example,
  I couldn't vote!!  Tongue any user or developer with few posts could not vote. And "voting friends" would not disappear.
  So I think it is necessary another ideas of improvement.
- Double deadline: as TheNestruo say, it could be a way to avoid last minute errors. The second deadline could be only
  one day (or two) later, so little errors could be fixed, not let to fix big errors or add new features.
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Karoshi Maniac
Mensajes: 388

« Respuesta #22 : 11 de Agosto de 2013, 11:13:20 am »

- Voting System: I agree that voting system need some twist. Only show the result after deadline of the vote seems a
  good idea. Only letting to vote to users with more than 50 (or 100) posts seems reasonable, but for example,
  I couldn't vote!!  Tongue any user or developer with few posts could not vote. And "voting friends" would not disappear.
  So I think it is necessary another ideas of improvement.
There must be some exceptions where no matter how many posts they have.  For example:
-Current dev Contestants : For example, a new user in the comunity with few post that creates a new game for the dev.
-Previous dev Contestants : nenfranz, for example
-Sponsors: All those who helps with the prizes.
-Well know MSX comunity guys: Users that everybody knows but they're not present on forums.  For example, konamiman.  He doesn't post here frequently, but everybody knows him and trust the "leader of society"
-Etc... etc...

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Karoshi Maniac
Mensajes: 376

MSx Powa!

WWW Email
« Respuesta #23 : 14 de Agosto de 2013, 04:17:20 pm »

ROM Size : 32/48 perfect
RAM Size : 16  perfect (I never use more than 4-5 Wink  but maybe sometime)
Voting System : I'd like Secret vote and people who really love msx and be honest. No friendships votes. I don't know how to do it good. Maybe...well, when I was main organizer in BCNparty (demoscene event) only contestants could vote (in secret). We can do this for win money price and a public vote (in secret too) for special mention.
Deadline: a year perfect...and If It's close (but before) any RUMSX in barcelona , we can do something special form AAMSX. I love this idea.
Prizes: donations sponsoring perfect...maybe, do 70%,30%,10% for three first positions is good. We did the same at BCNParty.
Language: English is good (ever we like it or not) for can comunicate. If you are not good , use automatic translation and leave your mother language too. Any user always do and try to write in spanish for comunicate with us in this forum Smiley Please don't be closed minds and do this effort Smiley

Google translator copy in Spanish :

Bueno ...
Mi Punto de vista:
Tamaño ROM: 32/48 perfecto
Tamaño de RAM: 16 perfecto (yo nunca uso más de 4-5 Wink pero tal vez en algún momento)
Sistema de votación: Me gustaría voto secreto y la gente que realmente aman a MSX y ser honesto. No hay amistades votos. No sé cómo hacerlo bien. Tal vez ... bueno, cuando era el principal organizador de bcnparty (evento demoscene) sólo concursantes podían votar (en secreto). Podemos hacer esto por el precio de dinero y ganar un voto público (en secreto también) una mención especial.
Plazo: un año perfecto ... y si está cerca (pero antes) cualquier RuMSX en barcelona, podemos hacer algo especial AAMSX formulario. Me encanta esta idea.
Premios: donaciones patrocinadoras perfecta ... tal vez, hacer 70%, 30%, 10% para los tres primeros puestos es bueno. Hicimos lo mismo en bcnparty.
Idioma: Inglés es bueno (el que nos guste o no) para se comunicar. Si no está bien, utilizar la traducción automática y dejar su lengua madre. Algún usuario siempre lo hacen y tratar de escribir en español para comunicar con nosotros en este foro Smiley favor, no seas mentes cerradas y hacer este esfuerzo Smiley
« Última modificación: 14 de Agosto de 2013, 04:21:26 pm por j4mk3 » En línea

---  G Fan  ---  Galious & Gradius  & G Boys   ---
Karoshi Forum's God
Mensajes: 2777

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« Respuesta #24 : 16 de Agosto de 2013, 03:37:30 pm »

Reading every suggestion, and I must say I mostly agree (except on accepting megarom, I really think that's too much difference with latest edition, and those wanting more horsepower can always join #msxdev compo). I'll let this post roll until the end of this week to gather more opinions (if any): then, it will be time to announce the dev again! :-)
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero)
RELEVO Videogames
[Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.]
[pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #25 : 18 de Agosto de 2013, 09:54:00 am »

Consider also that a number of msx1 megaroms might lay unfinished from previous msxdev competitions in the HD of some teams ...
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Karoshi Forum's God
Mensajes: 2777

WWW Email
« Respuesta #26 : 19 de Agosto de 2013, 07:43:59 pm »

Consider also that a number of msx1 megaroms might lay unfinished from previous msxdev competitions in the HD of some teams ...
You have a point here, but still I'm not into including megarom in THIS UPCOMING edition... Anyway, I will start a couple of polls, about ROM size and voting system, to check opinions out there about those two particular matters ;-).
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero)
RELEVO Videogames
[Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.]
[pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
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