I agree with some of the suggestions, but others not at all:
ROM SIZE: go back to 32/48KB ROM will let all developers be more comfortable. It was a challenge to make something
very limited, but I think that it's a good idea to again let bigger size.
Deadline: it's alright. No overlaping with others contests and more time.
Prizes: as Mortimer said could be a good idea to share the prizes with the two or three best contestants. It's necessary
to think about the percentages, but it's a good idea.
English/Spanish: I understand people think that the thread of the contest might be in spanish (my english is terrible).
But on the other hand I agree with the idea of use of english for it. If we want to be opened to all contestants, not
only spanish, we need to continue using english. Of course, we need to advertise on other forums and webs to "spread
the word". There isn't problem to open another thread in spanish to talk about the games/projects, although the main
thread might be in english.
Voting System: I agree that voting system need some twist. Only show the result after deadline of the vote seems a
good idea. Only letting to vote to users with more than 50 (or 100) posts seems reasonable, but for example,
I couldn't vote!!

any user or developer with few posts could not vote. And "voting friends" would not disappear.
So I think it is necessary another ideas of improvement.
Double deadline: as TheNestruo say, it could be a way to avoid last minute errors. The second deadline could be only
one day (or two) later, so little errors could be fixed, not let to fix big errors or add new features.