All games has a big effort to fit in 16ks ROM. All of you are a master of programming games. Congrats to everybody but... I must choose.
After play all games for a day long and in 43th RUMSX...
My votes:
Shouganai - 3 pts
Awesome. Kun give me gameplays that surprise me always. What have you in your mind ? How it works ?
This game makes me think a lot, gives me addiction, makes me nervous, tenses me up (but i like it

Please put passwords every 5 stages !

Shmup! - 2 pts
It will be a classics soon. I can't stop to play again and again. It's a shooter classic, true. But offers new points that makes It become new. Fusion, go back,...surprise me a lot.
If you, Imanok, extend this game to 32ks, different music stages, give it a story and some FX snd like an alarm when you go back... I 'll buy it !

Slender - 1 pts
For his effort to transmit fear in 8 bits.
Gommy - I can't play this game more that few minutes. His colours confuse me a lot and make me feel my eyes tired. Too much stages doing the same. This game is perfect for a Game & Watch but doesn't give me addiction for MSX plattform. Sorry zilogZ80a
Malaika - Very nice and pretty. I love Tumblepop from DataEast. But I think that is kind of game is not designed for MSX1 plattform. His blinking sprites doesn't like me for a pleasure gameplay. Sorry viejo. ;(
Stan - I can't vote for it