Congratullations to all of entries ^_^. (Sorry for the "Huelva" english

Are you from Huelva? ...
I was thinking of no voting at all, since I see there's too much work there and they also are really nice games. I think it's not fair giving 3, 2 and 1 point to three games, leaving the others with no points ... So I would give 3 to all of them. But since we have some rules I'll cast my votes:
3 points: Malaika - マライカ (Relevo Videogames)
2 points: SHMUP! (Imanok)
1 point: Gommy Medieval Defender (RW-DMZ-NF)
Really nice work, guys. Shouganai, Slender ans Stan stuff; sorry. You also have really good games. Thanks again.