ex-scsi for piping in using Yankees language

Babelfish can be truly hilarious, you know!
Viejo's "Montana John" from page 1 translates into: "Mountain is the east case John"
Dioniso's remark halfway page 1 translates into: "The one that waited for a Gear Metal for this dev while rascaba the eggs in house, that eats the foot to me."
My two cents dictate that RAM size and ROM size are of no influence whatsoever to the amount of submitted games, they only influence the game category, the amount of artwork and in some cases the features. But ignoring the features and focusing on the first two aspects:
Game category:With 16KB you can rule out any Sim clone (sim city, the sims, theme park etc.) as you simply need the extra RAM to store -dynamic- entities and their properties. Also, maps of which the shape can change need to be put into RAM. Think Montana John: the stones are not individual entities but simply maptiles. In theory we could've stuffed the whole map with stones and it'd have worked. You got to store such maps somewhere. In addition, there's the -often brought up by me- issue of decompression space, decompression windows and decompression speed. As mentioned in the MSXdev'07 discussion on MRC (the one with the almost nonstop flaming from a certain individual

), more RAM makes things
easier as well. If you are discussing the amount of entries, one thing you shouldn't do is make things less easy for developers. Apart from the high specs, you see that not everyone makes 64KB/MegaROMs anyway. In short, the possibilities are there, but no-one
must use them.
Artwork:The amount of content in a ROM is mostly influenced by artwork and maps. Code is usually only a small bit of the whole thing. A PSG tune can be a few KB, a PSG-SCC tune (or at least
my tunes

) can be like 8KB (packed!). With 8 such large tunes in a game we're at 64KB ROM already. To give you an impression of work: it takes me a day to make a PSG tune, and one or two hours to upgrade it to a PSG-SCC version. This would mean it'd take me about 8 days to fill 64KB with music alone. Over a whole year of development, these 8 days are thus nothing. Opting for a MegaROM is in this case in no way a 'risk'. Risk as in: "big games won't be finished".
Graphics are usually also not much of a problem, depends a bit from person to person tho. Especially in these days of crossdevelopment, making and managing graphics is so easy. I just don't believe games are canceled because there were too many graphics..

As for our entry: the intro is done (and great fun, expect the same kind of humor you saw earlier in RNFF!), we may spend a bit o' time on the game itself. After that, how do we release it? I dunno. Maybe simply on MRC, maybe -when the specs allow it- as a first entry for dev09. We may consider that, but .. well, it's an SCC-MegaROM, requiring 64KB RAM. There is PSG-only music tho. In any case, it's a relatively small (and
highly experimental) game with tons of artwork. It may be the first game which is fun to watch, even if you -the player- don't do anything at all..!