since there's no bRAIN eATERS any more and the project TT-VIRUS was stopped ´till the end of the days, here, I would like to find people/robots/aliens/zombies who want to create a game just for fun, with no pressure, for no MSXDev.
Anyone could join, but I would prefer mad coders for the main engine of the game. You can send me music, graphics (space ships mainly are required) or whatever you think could fit in TT-VIRUS.
The game will be freeware but anyone could have every byte of the game shockwared, for sure. If any money is earned with this game, it will be invested in alcohol, of course, for any RU.
For the moment, I just have the LOGO and the MENU... which is nothing, I know - as I said, the game still has to be done; I did some graphics and WYZ said he had the engine almost done, but I never saw it

. But if you want to have a look at some of my experiments with transparencies and 1bit fx, you can download the mini binary
For joining, write a private e-mail to... me. For any comment, just in this thread.