Code: RK708 / RK708EN
Name: Saimazoom
Genre: Maze / Adventure
Release date: 6th December 2005
Size: 32 KB
Format: ROM
System reqs.: MSX1 · 16KB RAM · 16KB VRAM
Misc: MSX version from the prequel of Abu Simbel Profanation
Credits:Original game created and developed by: Víctor Ruiz
Reprogramed and redesigned for MSX: Jon Cortázar
Additional code: Eduardo Robsy
Main tester: Salvador Perugorría
Testers: Albert Beevendorp, Eduardo Robsy

This is the very first adventure of our beloved hero Johny Jones. One day, returning home from work, our friend was planning to enjoy one of his maximum pleasures of all life: to have a cup of Saimazoom, the better coffee in the world, tasty and smooth but a bit strong. But he get a bad surprise when he found out that he has no coffee left at home!. He went running downstairs, and entered a store to buy a pack of his loved coffee mark, but the tragedy continued: there were no packs of Saimazoom coffee there... an employee from the store told Johny that he didn't know exactly where was the probelm, but that he know that there were no more Saimazoom distribution in the whole city. More over, the distribution of this specific branch of coffee has ended forever.
In this moment, the adventurer spirit of Johny awakened, and he took a life decision: he will become an adventurer and he'll start a trip into the center of the jungle to find out the real reasons about this distribution trouble. His prize: the best cup of the finest coffee... Saimazoom.
Canibals are blocking the coffee distribution. Johny's goal is to get four sacks of his favourite coffee and return to the starting point of the game. To succeed you must travel a big map evading enemies and obstacles, getting useful objects and exploring every jungle corner.
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