i guess some or most of you know the curiousity from me, Haroldoop (from sms retro scene), and etc., on exteding Boriel’s ZX-Basic Compiler to other hardware systems z80-based
http://www.boriel.com/wiki/en/index.php/ZX_BASIC:Released_Programs#OTHER_HARDWARE(for example, this cross-compiler helped me to port my MSXDev'14 entries Libreway and CMJN to SG1000 and Colecovision as simply as i made them for MSX1)
recently i found how interesting Casio PV-1000 is (quite rare console, only 15 games released, half from Konami), and how simple is to code for that from our experience on MSX and etc.
(and not mentioning how exciting was doing the same on arcade machines!
