during the process of porting simulatneously what i made for msx to sg1000 and colecovision, a situation i figured out is that, even that both ay-3-8910 and sn76489 are 3 channel+1 noise sound processors, but the way to access them via i/o are quite different:
- ay-3-8910 uses 2 i/o ports and sn76489 uses 1
- (i think) ay-3-8910 has no envelope
- etc...
and since there are conversions between both, and games like Antarctic Adventure that were developed for both simultaneously, i wonder if there are some method to use both exactly in the same way as routine arguments calling
are there documentations and examples about? actually i'm struggling a lot on trying to understand
http://www.smspower.org/Development/SN76489 any clues? thanks in advance!