CMJN - An unfinished and promising experiment... Wouldn't it be better present this game for next meeting? Really, I don't understand the benefit of show an unfinished game that could be really good if finished

Global -> 1.0 // ( V->5 / A->1 / P->4 / F->1 )
DESTROYER - Finally, after 15 years (more or less) here is the second vertical screen game for MSX. FAST, funny, a real action game, arcade soul, simple, a good evolution of "space invaders" game. FAST FAST FAST!!, I dont remember last time I played a shunmp where enemies bullets were so fast. I like it. Visuals and Audio can be better? dont know it but this game doesn't need it. Its a matter of design that I like. It would be cool if game were toshiba-vdp compatible, like uridium did. Why not follow that way?
Global -> 7.3 // ( V->8 / A->7.5 / P->9 / F->7 )
GORGEOUS GEMMA IN ESCAPE... - I like the idea, its funny and quite original (I supose) Audio abuses a bit of the noise (on the screen shown between levels it does abuse a lot in my own opinion). Movements are a bit harsh: it doesnt matter so much on a puzzle game, but sometimes this games ask you for sync and skill with controls. Intro music is very good, I like it, but I dont find it suitable for a futuristic puzzle game. It happens the same like in the in-game music of Jawbreaker II. Visuals for me are ok
Global -> 7.1 // ( V->7 / A->5 / P->6 / F->6 )
JAWBREAKER II - The perfect game for short sessions. Simple, funny but, after some levels it becomes repetitive. Visual design its quite different, never saw something with that design on MSX. Audio: I can be happy with the intro music but not with the ingame music: When I listed both songs, I find like if they were from different games. The ingame music now reminds me to a platform game with a boy jumping on a caribean island with beaches and lots of trees... but well, its a matter of tastes: Lets kill the musician! Playability its good. I wont modify nothing on this.
Global -> 7.3 // ( V->7 / A->6 / P->8 / F->9)
LIBREWAY - This game could be much better with more time or effort: No music (well, if I had the time maybe I would compose something for it, the programmer asked for it on the forums so I cant blame him for it... sorry

), simple graphics and a design that makes this game a bit unplayable. Maybe a different level design with not so much cars and obstacles on screen would be better, or improvements on IA like enemis with non-linear trajectories...
Global -> 3 // ( V->3 / A->2 / P->5 / F->4 )
MR. CRACKSMAN - Simple game with that arcade soul I love. Good graphics, good sound, good playability, a polished game... I wont change anything: everything works in this game,. This game doesnt need any changes to be better... but, its a game style I dont like at all: its just a matter of tastes, of course.
Global -> 7.7 // ( V->7.5 / A->7.5 / P->8 / F->8.5 )
NAYADE RESISTANCE - A good - unfinished - project. Like in CMJN: Why not wait for next users meeting? Time its the perfect friend for good games. Anyway: Graphics are VERY GOOD, I love them. Music its suitable for that kind of game: its really connected to the game design and style: Good. Some bugs on my tests shown me that this game is not finished: tood bad
Global -> 4 // ( V->8.5 / A->8.3 / P->7 / F->2 )
PRETTY KINGDOM - Good game and concept. Good design of levels too: I like it when you need to be strategic in some levels to complete them, and thats thanks to design. Controls are a bit harsh with the movements of that pocoyó

The intro music is so konami

I like it a lot but, I think that ingame music is needed here. With that intro music, your head ask for more music. Anyway: for me, this is a funny game and this is very important.
Global -> 8 // ( V->7.2 / A->6.5 / P->7.8 / F->8 )
URIDIUM - FAST, agressive, smooth, arcade soul, great! No music! too bad!

some action music on background to add more frenetic actions would be cool! Anyway, SFX are quite good. A negative point: Sometimes its difficult to know what is an obstable and what it isn't. VERY GOOD THE IDEA of the Toshiba vdp: Thats a goood choice

Global -> 8.5 // ( V->9 / A->6 / P->8 / F->9 )
ZERO AND THE CASTLE OF... - Nice game and very nice design! While playing sometimes I've got the feeling of watching a demo: thats good. I love those SFX flops effects: Im sure that they have been created and designed with asm code and not trackers or any other kind of external soft, like madonna mkII does in games like Seleniak. Ingame music its needed here, but, the experimentation of dioniso with sound its something that I like a lot and I apreciate it. SFX helps you a lot to sync your movements when you want to go through a blue dangerous zone but... not when the holes are opening: an SFX to advice you about it would be cool making the SFX more important during the game. Why not make an alternative version for toshiba vdp like uridium does?
Global -> 8.5 // ( V->9 / A->7.9 / P->8.7 / F->7 )