i'm actually here mostly for the joy and the excitement of being part of this retrocomputing initiative
How's your assembler doing? I remember you started some years ago.
from one side, it’s a bit in stand-by (i were actually about to start using Pasmo or WLA-DX, but i didn’t yet)
from the other side, i were using assembly parts quite frequently in libraries that i were adding to Boriel’s ZX-Basic Compiler (just like these 2 games i posted here in MSXdev this year) - i was not going too much into tricky z80 stuff, that was mostly on stuff that might make coding a bit more comfortable, like pushing msx2/gamegear/mastersystem/ulaplus palettes with hex colours, pushing pixels at msx2+ screen modes with rgb colours, etc. - at
http://nitrofurano.altervista.org/retrocoding (still very disorganized and incomplete) you might have some idea of what i were trying to do
the only complicated situation about Boriel’s ZX-Basic (that i found) is that it uses ix and stack a lot, specially when you use routines and so on, and this is complicated when you have too little ram available (like PacMan arcade machine, i think it only has 1kb there... :S - after my frustrating attempt, i really can, very humbly, recognize how skilled Jim Bagley is for coding PacManicMinerMan for that machine... )
and I'm using his Magellan to verify tile transitions and to support generation of maps.
what is Magellan? please tell us more about!
so the best way to broaden the asphyctic msx audience is to try to involve other fans from other platforms close to our system.
yes, people around colecovision, sg1000 and it-99-4a are often curious about "wazzup" in the msx scene! this is quite exciting!