Thank you! I watched your second video and enjoyed it a lot! I had to check Commodore 64 video after that just to see how much more colour it had. I must say that I am sorry, I remembered mothership came to the screen before dropping out the fighter, that´s why I asked the arrival of the mothership. So it appeared that the mothership is just sitting there when game starts and then runs away fast, so it´s easy to do, if memory allows that.

Thank you a lot already, artrag, toni and john, for the code, graphics and music/sound!

I like that "loading screen", it has less colour than on Commodore 64, but it looks like what this game could have looked like at it´s best in the eighties.

Uridium logo looks really cool! And thank you john, for the really decent psg arrangement of the well-known title tune.

I am sorry for complaining about this, but I would appreciate it, if you just could have some time to make samelike enemy ship explosion sound what Commodore 64 had.

It´s doable on MSX too and MSX conversion could then sound like Commodore original!

As it´s not the eighties anymore, this time we have capable musician, you!

And thank you for coding all this artrag, to make this possible!

Thank you!!
As there could be max 64 sprites, I guess monochrome enemies will be turned to multicolour too?

Also, will there be that cool looking star destroyer destruction sequence, as it gets ripped apart at the end of the stage? I hope you can do it!

(another sound effect to do for the john too!) And what about that different coloured sky for each new stage?