I've just tested files in "standard" directory and those in "active sprite counter" directory on my TR and only the split screen that uses the 5th sprite flag works.
In order to reproduce hap's results on the behaviour of "sprite counter" of the status register more tests and investigations are needed.
Anyway, Dioniso, if you can, try the standard files. The split screen works great and I expect nothing strange on msx1 vdp's.
I have also tried both ROM in a MSX1 HB-75D. The "sprite counter" one doesn't work properly and everytime I reset de MSX I have a different result; showing 8 sprites at the top and none or 32 at the bottom. Could it be the way of writing to the VRAM?
I could reproduce the SCREEN 2- SCREEN 3 - SCREEN 2 screen splits I coded with syncho code using your technique of the 5th sprite flag but not with the "active sprite counter". Thanks for the code. If you want to do some tests on the HB-75D (Germany, PAL) just tell me. I also have some others MSX1 computers:
-SONY HB-75P (Europe)
-SONY HB-75 (Japan)
-SONY HB-55 (Japan)
-PHILIPS VG8020 (Europe)
-Alamiah AX-150 (Arabic)
-DAEWOO ZEMMIX CPC-51B (Korean console)
-MSX Selector-6 (Japanish console for hotels with 6 slots for cartridges)
You can send me a mail and I can take photos or videos of the ROM running in a MSX1.