« : 30 de Octubre de 2013, 09:38:44 pm » |
title: cmjn developer: nitrofurano year: 2013-2014 game size: 16kb rom / 1kb ram game genre: shmup about: is a kind of experimental game with some isometric arcade game influences like Viewpoint or Zaxxon - the game will be developed on Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler, and the sources of the game will be released as well - the SG1000 version is also available (i’m strugging ColecoVision port, issues related to nmi, using halt as waitvbl, and issues related to joystick read from i/o ports - it’s a surprise why ColecoVision is such a "complicated" hardware!  )   (the "whole package" - msx, sg1000 and colecovision versions, including sources: - MSX: tested on OpenMSX and Mess; SG1000: tested on Meka, Mess, MasterGear and TwoMbit; ColecoVision: tested on Meka and Mess - download: from this weblink here, click on "qui" from "La risorsa richiesta è accessibile qui")
« Última modificación: 23 de Junio de 2014, 04:12:03 am por Jon_Cortazar »
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« Respuesta #1 : 30 de Octubre de 2013, 09:54:39 pm » |
Amazing ... in French, CMJN means Cyan, Magenta, Jaune, Noir = CMYK in English (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), it's the color mode for printing also known as quadrichromie (in French) or four-color process (in English). And viewing the screenshot, your game will use these 4 'basic' colors ! (the borders will be black) 
« Última modificación: 30 de Octubre de 2013, 09:56:25 pm por mars2000you »
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« Respuesta #2 : 30 de Octubre de 2013, 11:45:14 pm » |
Love the screenshot !!!!!
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« Respuesta #3 : 31 de Octubre de 2013, 11:49:20 am » |
thanks! the game will have palette optimization when running on msx2 (in this case, attempting to get more closer to the printed cmyk colours), just like the playable demos of "The Ruins of Machi Itcza" and "Warlords" i posted here in this forum (also made on Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler!  ), and those MojonTwins' ulaplus games for ZX-Spectrum!   i'm also considering to release this game for Colecovision and Sega SG-1000, as soon as i can extend (or get extended!  ) Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler to these machines! and yes, cmjn name was based on "cyan magenta jaune noir"!  - the idea would be using mainly these colours, and the text characters being a kind of overprint offset error (with the limitation of the 8x1 attribute cell colours of screen2!  - i think i'm significantly sacrificing the legibility, that is the funny part!  ) (for now, these pictures are just a mockup, but i have a sketch of the code working on sdlBasic, that wouldn't be that hard to recode on Boriel's - btw, the Warlords playable demo i posted here were also pre-prototyped on sdlBasic before Boriel's)
« Última modificación: 31 de Octubre de 2013, 11:55:26 am por nitrofurano »
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« Respuesta #4 : 01 de Noviembre de 2013, 10:01:49 am » |
A cool and great way to give us an example of your cool work on Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler! Way to go, nitro!
« Última modificación: 01 de Noviembre de 2013, 10:09:53 am por Jon_Cortazar »
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #5 : 01 de Noviembre de 2013, 11:44:55 am » |
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« Respuesta #8 : 14 de Junio de 2014, 09:30:08 pm » |
(i edited the first post in this thread - the actual revision, far incomplete, is there - i don’t know if this is enough for having this thread pinned)
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« Respuesta #9 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 07:44:45 am » |
nitro, I am afraid that we only can accept finished games: games that need some last time fixes are accepted, as this time the rules includes a second deadline for that matter. But the submited game should be final, or really really close to final 
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #10 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 08:41:25 am » |
thanks for the feedback, Jon! i’ll try to advance it a bit more, making it minimally playable at least (and try to fix that annoying scroll bug as well) - btw, if i can’t, would be this, and every game else in this situation, considered “automatically” registered for MSXdev’15?
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« Respuesta #11 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 09:31:11 am » |
thanks for the feedback, Jon! i’ll try to advance it a bit more, making it minimally playable at least (and try to fix that annoying scroll bug as well) - btw, if i can’t, would be this, and every game else in this situation, considered “automatically” registered for MSXdev’15? Hey, nitro! I am sorry that "minimally playable" is not acceptable also... this 2nd deadline is intended just for bugfixing: the game in todays entry should be complete... So no hurry!, I am pretty sure MSXdev'15 will be also fitting for your game! 
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #12 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 11:18:06 am » |
thanks for the feedback, Jon! i’ll try to advance it a bit more, making it minimally playable at least (and try to fix that annoying scroll bug as well) - btw, if i can’t, would be this, and every game else in this situation, considered “automatically” registered for MSXdev’15? Hey, nitro! I am sorry that "minimally playable" is not acceptable also... this 2nd deadline is intended just for bugfixing: the game in todays entry should be complete... So no hurry!, I am pretty sure MSXdev'15 will be also fitting for your game!  so i meant "minimally complete" ;p , not as a playable demo (which is the actual revision i have right now, i updated that with the scroll bug fix - the idea is to have now some "enemies" just like what i have at and converting it to an isometric coordinate system (still today, i hope...), with some small differences, perhaps - what i really wanted to do is to have true attack waves, bosses and so on, but i really don’t have any idea how to do that!  (i'll try to leave that for "CMJN-2"!  ) )
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« Respuesta #13 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 07:09:12 pm » |
(added some random "enemies", no collisions yet... :S - i guess i'll not be able to "finish" this game in time...  )
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« Respuesta #14 : 15 de Junio de 2014, 09:53:05 pm » |
thanks for the feedback, Jon! i’ll try to advance it a bit more, making it minimally playable at least (and try to fix that annoying scroll bug as well) - btw, if i can’t, would be this, and every game else in this situation, considered “automatically” registered for MSXdev’15? Hey, nitro! I am sorry that "minimally playable" is not acceptable also... this 2nd deadline is intended just for bugfixing: the game in todays entry should be complete... So no hurry!, I am pretty sure MSXdev'15 will be also fitting for your game!  Jon, i think the game can be considered "minimally ready" (you can hit and get hit, there is game over, etc.) - it still have a lot of bugs (the way the code is so dirty is beyond ludicrous... :S ), is still not addictive enough, some features could be better implemented (increased difficulty during gameplay), and etc. - what do you think? (editing this post: when i posted this message, i think that was before midnight in Bilbao time - the last revision you find now was just a minor bug fix)
« Última modificación: 15 de Junio de 2014, 11:42:04 pm por nitrofurano »
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