« : 01 de Julio de 2013, 06:12:23 am » |
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems the MSXdev'13 is now definitely closed and a winner has been set. And it is no other than Patxanga's Shouganai! Congrats MSX Kun, and everyone involved in the project! Here I c&p the contest results:
#1 · 82 Points / Shouganai - しょうがない (Paxanga) #2 · 80 Points / Malaika - マライカ (Relevo Videogames) #3 · 78 Points / SHMUP! (Imanok) #4 · 54 Points / Gommy Medieval Defender (RW-DMZ-NF) #5 · 16 Points / Stan, the Dreamer (The Pets Mode) #6 · 14 Points / Slender: The Camping (Pentacour)
As now every contest thread is closed now (and soon they will be moved to "MSXdev Archives" boards), you can use this thread for your reactions about the results and to congratulate the winner!
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #1 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 06:24:41 am » |
Felicidades a todos los participantes y en especial al ganador. Un juego interesante y cuya temática no había visto antes en el MSX. Espero que en la próxima haya una calidad media como ha habido en ésta.  Congratulations to every contestant and specially the winner. An interesting game never seen before on MSX. I hope next edition averge quality will be as good as this one's.  (Mod: English!  )
« Última modificación: 01 de Julio de 2013, 06:33:46 am por Jon_Cortazar »
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« Respuesta #2 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 06:31:53 am » |
Well, here they are my personal thoughts. First of all, I want to congratulate MSX Kun for Shouganai and for being the winner: it is an excelent game, and it mantains the increasing quality curve that Paxanga's games reflect. For me is more than a valid winner, although my bet was for Imanok SHMUP!: anyway, the quality of every submitted game it is out of the question, so congrats to every contestant as well! Although my top three was quite clear from the beggining (well, I really wish Gommy should have gathered more points and be closer the top 3), there has been a game that really surprised me out, and also its final position has also shocked me. It's the case of "Slender: The Camping": I can't believe it has scored that low being that innovative, graphically appealing, featuring really fitting sfx, and with an outstanding atmosphere. I really want to encourage Pentacour to polish those couple of little things missing and make a physical version out of this game, because I really think it rocks and stands out of the others. It is not that I don't like Stan the Dreamer, and it's not that I don't see its engine potential to build solid adventures (I am *really* looking forward that, guys), but I think Slender deserved to have a higher rank. About the contest, I am pretty happy we have doubled the last year entries, but it is still very far from being a "big" MSXdev: quality of the entries has been high, but I missed more games: not only from spanish developers, but also for international teams. We have tried to manage every aspect of the contest in english, but it seems that's not enough for international MSX developers, neither the MSXdev history or main prize. So I guess we should rethink again how we could attract more developers into the contest (without no extra costs or work, that's why we organize the contest at the forum boards now). Also, the contest has make lots of people to participate and enter the community again! I hope they continue joining here not only for givin' points to their favourites but also to keep on sharing knowledge and MSX fun here! Long live MSXdev contests! Soon, we will start the discussion about next edition! 
« Última modificación: 01 de Julio de 2013, 06:47:44 am por Jon_Cortazar »
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
« Respuesta #3 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 10:47:54 am » |
Congratulations to the winner! It was one of my favourite games.
Thanks Jon for your words! Rather than the possition, I get the comments of people that played the game. My goal was to finish a game that I would play and I got it. I learned a lot programming and specially "finishing" a game, and I'm more aware of the difficulty to polish a game to release. Now, I fixed the bugs list (known bugs) and I have added a little feature I was coded and not released by lack of time.
Congratulations to all participants!
About the other questions, I will think about it to contribute something.
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« Respuesta #4 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 11:24:05 am » |
Well, thx everybody! Now i'm confused and hurt myself... I agree with Jon about SHMUP! At the end I only wanted to make a funny game and it seems people kinda liked it. So I have to thank everybody for playing and will upload the new ROM with the "IT'S OVER!" text corrected. Now the contest is over I'll just overwrite old file, so there are no duplicates, ok? And now time to work on more stuff. And I mean ALL of us! Thanks all contestants for making games.  Edito: Ya esta el fichero cambiado. Mismo link de antes. En cuanto pueda deberia poner un enlace en mi pagina, bien hecho y tal.
« Última modificación: 01 de Julio de 2013, 11:31:34 am por MsxKun »
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--  She Bops!
« Respuesta #5 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 11:24:37 am » |
Now, I fixed the bugs list (known bugs) and I have added a little feature I was coded and not released by lack of time.
I want that!
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--  She Bops!
Karoshi Lover
Mensajes: 141
Programando algo buenísimo :)
« Respuesta #6 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 04:21:28 pm » |
Congratulations, MsxKun!, your game is really great!  I'm shocked that Slender and Stan: The Dreamer didn't get better scoring.  I didn't vote for Malaika because it looked a lot like Bubble Bobble and I'm not a fan of it, but otherwise is a very good looking game. By the way a suggestion for the front box: adding eyebrows to Malaika eyes, otherwise it looks like a boy.  Gommy was too charged visually, a little slow and repetitive for my taste. SHMUP! looked way too empty visually for my taste and I think that the music can be better.
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« Respuesta #7 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 05:03:17 pm » |
Congrats everyone! I'm shocked that Slender and Stan: The Dreamer didn't get better scoring.  It's not surprising due the voting system. Suppose there are two hypothetical games: one deserves 7/10 and the other one 9/10. With a scoring system, with people giving direct score, the results will be close to 7/10 and 9/10. But in a voting system ("give a point to the one you do think is the best"), the first one will only win a few points as most of the people will vote for the other one.
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theNestruo."Old BASIC programmers never die; they GOSUB but never RETURN."
« Respuesta #8 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 05:31:54 pm » |
Congratulations Shouganai! As I said, it is a nice and original game. My guess about the top-three was correct, and I am happy to see Shouganai as the winner. No bad feelings Imanok and Relevo... love you too! (from a gaming point of view, I mean XD)
As for the rest of games, I already commented them in their respective forum threads, so nothing more to add except for Slender. Actually I feel that it deserves more points: it is original and scary. So I feel that it has been underrated. Just wanted to say that. I'd like to see this new version, Pentacour!
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« Respuesta #9 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 07:49:46 pm » |
Maybe, the problem here, is that there are few games where the 16kB rom limit penalize them a lot because of the game style. Just imagine a bigger and beautiful stan adventure, with lots of new scenarios, music, npc,... a slender game with a bigger maps and lots of extra features, a gommi with better graphics and extra enemies and movements... you know, that kind of stuff you can't fit on a 16kB rom. Thats what people usually find a little unfair... This post its not a critic against that rom limit, its just an opinion. Nobody knows right now if developers would have published more, better and bigger games without that limit, because there is also a time limit to finish/publish them. Bigger games means bigger problems and more work to do.
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Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67
« Respuesta #10 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 09:03:01 pm » |
Congratulations to MSXKun (Paxanga)!! A great game and a great winner  But congratulations to the others contestants too, now there are six new little jewels of only 16KB for our MSXs!! 
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« Respuesta #11 : 01 de Julio de 2013, 10:54:57 pm » |
Congratulations Kun! You are the well deserved winner!  Congrats to Jon too for the second place and to the rest of the contestants for their good work  @nanochess: it's clear that we both have different interpretations about what good graphics and musics are. I hope that, at least, you find the game smooth, playable and fun 
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Karoshi Lover
Mensajes: 141
Programando algo buenísimo :)
« Respuesta #12 : 02 de Julio de 2013, 03:30:39 am » |
@nanochess: it's clear that we both have different interpretations about what good graphics and musics are. I hope that, at least, you find the game smooth, playable and fun  Very smooth and playable indeed  Anyway I'm rather eccentric for selecting games, so obviously my opinion is purely personal. It was a very good idea the new vote system. Maybe the next contest should try with 32K ROM limit 
« Última modificación: 02 de Julio de 2013, 03:33:48 am por nanochess »
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Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 26
« Respuesta #13 : 05 de Julio de 2013, 03:33:52 pm » |
Congratulations for all the contenders! I have invested some hours playing your games, I think it's the best I can say. Let's wait for next MSXdev!!!
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Parecía buena idea...; ¡Con lo bien que iba...!; ¡Qué infortunio!
« Respuesta #14 : 05 de Julio de 2013, 05:14:44 pm » |
Thanks to all participants for their great games. Congratulations to the winners! 
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