« : 21 de Junio de 2013, 08:46:24 am » |
Nestor Soriano (Konamiman) has created a Multi-rom with all the MSXdev'13 games and a simple menu. He has sent me the file including the rom (mapper Ascii8 ) and the source. So, I could release this multi-rom on MSXblue-dev, but there are probably some problems, that's why I've opened this thread to know especially the opinion of the coders involved in the MSXdev'13 games.
Preliminary remark : as it was decided since MSXdev'12, I make available on all the roms of a MSXdev' edition when this edition is over, what means for me when we have a winner (so, after the current voting procedure and an eventual poll, in case of a draw)
a) do you agree for the release of all the MSXdev'13 games under the form of a multi-rom OR do you prefer that only the roms submitted to the contest will be available on ?
b) in case of answer yes to question a) , do you see a problem if I release the multi-rom before the pre-defined "end of the contest" ?
c) in case of answer no to question a), maybe could only Konamiman's code be published ? Your opinion about this option ?
« Última modificación: 21 de Junio de 2013, 10:47:20 am por mars2000you »
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« Respuesta #1 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 08:58:54 am » |
Imho, I really prefer "that only the roms submitted to the contest will be available"... I don't want the game to be spread in too many different sites and in too different shapes. Mostly because I plan to make some little additions to the game, and I'm not that much into having multiple versions of the game out there in rom and multirom format.
The idea of releasing the multirom menu sources so anyone can build it with the latest versions is more appealing to me.
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 6
« Respuesta #2 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 09:54:53 am » |
Pleaseeee, do not reject my MultiROM, I spent a lot of time developing it!!  (well... actually I had it done in just 15 minutes...) 
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« Respuesta #3 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 09:59:38 am » |
Pleaseeee, do not reject my MultiROM, I spent a lot of time developing it!!  (well... actually I had it done in just 15 minutes...)  LOL! I'm not the one wanting to spoil de fun, Konamiman! If everybody agrees here, I am more than into it. I just really think it is better asking first, that's all! 
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 6
« Respuesta #4 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 10:41:31 am » |
I used this MultiROM yesterday, to play the games with my kids using my wonderful MegaFlashRom SD SCC+. It's very convenient. By the way Kaito (who just turned 7) doesn't like the Slender game... he is scared of the music! 
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« Respuesta #5 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 11:29:22 am » |
I'm "old school games programmer" when roms with its bugs cannot be updated nor "service packed"  But I agree too with updating policy, of course. So, my rom the more sites are better. You can do with it whatever you want. @Konamiman I'm sorry hehe. My 6 years old son doesn't like Slender music too nor the darkness. When I was developing the game, always he said me (in catalan): "daddy, it would be better if it were daytime, not at night". Now he can see me play, but he doesn't want to play 
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Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 6
« Respuesta #6 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 11:55:02 am » |
Slender is for sure a somewhat disturbing game. Even myself, I feel a bit uneasy while playing it. 
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« Respuesta #7 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 01:31:33 pm » |
The only problem I see is having different versions at the multirom and the rom repository because of any update/bugfixing/whatever (although it can already happen, having the roms at Karoshi and also at MSXBlue). About releasing it before the end of the contest, I guess there's no problem... but is there any hurry? 
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« Respuesta #8 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 02:11:17 pm » |
The only problem I see is having different versions at the multirom and the rom repository because of any update/bugfixing/whatever (although it can already happen, having the roms at Karoshi and also at MSXBlue).
I can precise that the roms included in the multi-rom correspond to the roms submitted to the contest (version 1.1 for Malaika although only version 1.0 must be judged for the vote/poll) and add the links to the 6 coders websites where eventual updates can be found. Someone who wants then to update the multi-rom needs actually to use only an hexadecimal editor to remove the old version of a rom and insert the new version at the good location of the multi-rom. .
« Última modificación: 21 de Junio de 2013, 02:14:45 pm por mars2000you »
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« Respuesta #9 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 02:21:36 pm » |
I don't care at all. After al,l everybody can make a multirom easily using makeopf, as long as he owns a MegaflashROM. I'll update the ROM with the "I'TS OVER" text corrected to "IT'S OVER" when dev finishes.
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--  She Bops!
« Respuesta #10 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 02:55:18 pm » |
I guess I'm missing something... but what are the advantages of distributing a MultiRom over makeopf? btw, Hi tocayo 
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theNestruo."Old BASIC programmers never die; they GOSUB but never RETURN."
« Respuesta #11 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 03:16:02 pm » |
I guess I'm missing something... but what are the advantages of distributing a MultiRom over makeopf?
Probably the fact that the rom created by Konamiman with the code he has written has a mapper, ASCII8, that is supported by all emulators, including blueMSX. If I don't get me wrong, the Multi-ROM format created by Manuel Pazos is only supported by relatively recent beta versions of openMSX.
« Última modificación: 21 de Junio de 2013, 03:42:34 pm por mars2000you »
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Karoshi Lover
Mensajes: 227
« Respuesta #12 : 21 de Junio de 2013, 04:38:35 pm » |
I think I'd wait until versions settle down some time and are definite.
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« Respuesta #13 : 22 de Junio de 2013, 07:55:04 pm » |
No problem with this release of Gommy medieval defender, to fit in this special cartridge.
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« Respuesta #14 : 23 de Junio de 2013, 02:56:38 pm » |
I want to make an update before make a good distribution. I prefer not to distribute yet. But if everybody hasn't problem, go ahead.
« Última modificación: 23 de Junio de 2013, 04:30:19 pm por j4mk3 »
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