Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 26
« Respuesta #15 : 11 de Junio de 2013, 07:41:18 am » |
Congratulations! This game is really funny! Its mechanics is so simple but it's so amusing! I love the music also, specially that of Game Over (grrrr). I'm afraid I can only get to the first boss. I will try harder!  Just a suggestion for next versions, wouldn't be great a Hi-Score table?  --- Edit: I have just reached the 10th stage. F*** arrows!
« Última modificación: 11 de Junio de 2013, 03:00:56 pm por Tono »
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Parecía buena idea...; ¡Con lo bien que iba...!; ¡Qué infortunio!
Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 26
« Respuesta #16 : 12 de Junio de 2013, 07:11:52 am » |
I reached the 28th stage yesterday! Wow. I wonder how many stages there are! But I will stop for now. I feel like standing on my balcony, looking down for somebody trying to climb up my wall... 
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Parecía buena idea...; ¡Con lo bien que iba...!; ¡Qué infortunio!
Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67
« Respuesta #17 : 12 de Junio de 2013, 06:38:09 pm » |
@Tono: Thanks for play! You have passed the half of the game, there are 40 stages!! 
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« Respuesta #18 : 15 de Junio de 2013, 07:41:27 pm » |
Hi Recently I tested the game after some gauntlet hardcore session. u_u; no comments about that session XD About the msxdev game, I found it funny and playable, thats important, but the used colours for graphics... well, aren't they a bit weird? What I mean is that sometimes I had problems looking for enemies, and that was the colours fault, just this. Im not a programmer and Ive never dessigned any graphics for msx, so I dont know if its possible improve it just changing the colours. Maybe you wanted the game look like this to increase the difficult level: those blue colors on the first level after the first boss seemed like your player were fighting at night... As I said, Im just a player, not a programmer/designer, so excuse if I have said something harsh or weird because of my ignorance on this ^_^; Anyway, thanks for the game! Keep working like this 
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Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67
« Respuesta #19 : 16 de Junio de 2013, 01:16:23 pm » |
Don't worry makinavaja, I don't get your comment as a harsh or weird comment.  You are right, the "blue tinted" levels take place at night, so this is the reason it's hard to see the enemies. But on the other hand, in "morning levels"  , there shouldn't be too difficult to see the enemies, but sometimes, this problem appears. The key is the lack of space in ROM.  We only have space for one color template for enemies, and it isn't fit well for all levels. The game can be played although could be more difficult in some levels cause this "feature". In a bigger rom this problem could be solved.  Thanks for your comments and playing the game. 
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« Respuesta #20 : 16 de Junio de 2013, 07:39:00 pm » |
Haha, I thought palette was intentionally choosen to make the game salty  It's a lovely game, and the motto "easy to learn, hard to master" applies. Instant classic! I really have the feeling that the size has been hard in this particular game: I hope there will be an improved version, without the 16kB limit. You guys are definitely great as a team! Graphics are so good than you can almost feel the wall texture, though sometimes is hard to tell what is obstacle and what is background. I love the skeleton sprite! It's a shame we can't see the front of the enemies  The music is catchy. But, after playing for a while, more tunes will be appreciated. Someone suggested a hi-score table; what about an endless mode for parties competitions? A two player mode (versus) would be EPIC! (but not so easy to implement as the hiscore or the endless mode) On the downside, there is some slow downs; specially noticeable when the archers appear  They (and their arrows) are the only enemies that can overlap other enemies, so I guess the slow down is related to the erase/print functions... Great job! Congratulations!
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theNestruo."Old BASIC programmers never die; they GOSUB but never RETURN."
« Respuesta #21 : 16 de Junio de 2013, 10:59:03 pm » |
simple, addictive, technically excellent. a fantastic game. thanks
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« Respuesta #22 : 17 de Junio de 2013, 11:02:09 am » |
Best coded game of the contest, at least in my opinion. Nice music that really fits in the game. I don't like this kind of games so much, but it's a very good game. Congratulations !!!.
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« Respuesta #23 : 17 de Junio de 2013, 11:38:16 am » |
Nice and easy concept, reminds me of the the early arcade games  It has some visibility issues, with the enemies vs the walls, but I've read it will be improved in the extended version... I really hope so  . IMHO The playability would improve a lot if two rocks could be used at the same time, and you could control in some way the direction where the rocks roll after falling over an obstacle. I wish you to consider that for the extended version 
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Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67
« Respuesta #24 : 17 de Junio de 2013, 10:56:25 pm » |
@phsoft: I'm glad to know you like the game. Thanks.  @habish: Thanks! It was a very hard work of Pepe  (with help of some people) to implement all features of the game in only 16KB. @Imanok: Thanks!! ... we are taking note of all suggestions. There are two suggestions that seem to repeat: enemies visibility and ability to shot out two rocks. The first one I think that could be solved easily. And the second one we will think how to do it. More improvements will come!!
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« Respuesta #25 : 17 de Junio de 2013, 11:07:58 pm » |
About the rocks direction... I know it is random, but it feels unnatural when the rock falls over a border and rolls to the inside of the platform, instead of rolling out and continue falling.
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theNestruo."Old BASIC programmers never die; they GOSUB but never RETURN."
Karoshi Fan
Mensajes: 67
« Respuesta #26 : 17 de Junio de 2013, 11:18:31 pm » |
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« Respuesta #27 : 18 de Junio de 2013, 07:13:32 am » |
One of my first top 3 games that finally don't get into my final votes...
I'm really sorry, as it is a really well done MSX adaptation from the original game. In this aspect, the MSX recreation, the game just shines: the character looks amazing, also rocks and scenarios: perhaps the enemies mixes a bit too much with the walls, but I can deal with it. Also the final bosses are awesomely detailed. In the coding department, it is obvious the hard work done to make it fit in just 16KB! So it has not been the excellent MSX conversion, but I guess the game itself: sometimes is too random, enemies go slow and suddenly speedy, when you drop a rock and hit an obstacle, you can not knoe where the rock is going to go (the logical way would have been to go to the most near corner of the object the rocks collides).
That's the reason why I prefered other games: it was about the gaming experience they gave to me. Gommy is funny, but perhaps needs some twists in its gameplay or how the main engine is concepted, mostly on how the rocks work and change direction. Anyway, a really really good entry, a top one: it is just that this year is too difficult to decide. Congrats for the release!
« Última modificación: 18 de Junio de 2013, 07:15:07 am por Jon_Cortazar »
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Jon Cortázar Abraido (aka El Viejo Archivero) RELEVO Videogames [Dioniso: La cafeína está haciendo su trabajo; yo espero hacer el mío.] [pitpan: Me sigue pareciendo más productivo jugar al SNAIL MAZE que seguir esta discusión.]
Karoshi Newbie

Mensajes: 7
« Respuesta #28 : 18 de Junio de 2013, 09:02:23 am » |
This is my favourite game in the competition, professional, a lot of SFXs and music, a playability well tested (really fun and always asking me for playing one game more), the controls answer fast, the sprites move fast and smooth, works even in a TR, no problems in PAL/NTSC, professional package(manual, stickers), ... well, as i said its my favourite entry in the competition, what are you waiting? PLAY IT!!
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« Respuesta #29 : 18 de Junio de 2013, 06:04:38 pm » |
Well... nice game, but with some huge problems. Most of them have already been said. For example, graphics are confusing and often the enemies can barely be seen over the background. Also, enemies are pattern based and, thus, have blocky motion. Sprites would have been much better, especially in a game where enemies move vertically so that it should be easy to avoid having too much sprites horizontally. Also, losing a live when failing a shot during boss battles is... annoying. I found myself in game over several times without knowing why... until I realized that missing shot means missing live  So, in my opinion this could have been a nice game but too much wrong design decisions have been taken. Also, surprisingly, the Speccy version has more details and complexity than the MSX one... So, it seems that some of the design mistakes are only in the MSX port...
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