
All games show the way Spectrum conversions should have been in the past.

Jinj2 still looks quite like Spectrum original though, even it has colourful nice looking sprites and background has touched with extra colour. I know it´s too late to hope such things, but I can only hope that all 1980s Spectrum conversion graphics had been at least on the same level what Jinj2 offers.

For me, it´s hard to say which one wins graphically, Teodoro or Subaquatic, as I like much of both games graphic styles, I would like to say Teodoro

but Subaquatic wins slightly.. because all those nice little touches. Only gripe is those "sea waves" make me feel dizzy. But as an effect it is a great idea.
Thanks goes to all music maestros behind these great athmospheric game tunes in all three games. And thanks to everyone behind these new games.