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Autor Tema: The Nemesis WebWorld  (Leído 2398 veces)
0 Usuarios y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.
Karoshi Hero
Mensajes: 672

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« : 04 de Marzo de 2006, 10:56:57 pm »

The Nemesis WebWorld

As you can guess it, the Nemesis WebWorld is a Spanish site dedicated to the great Konami game serie on MSX (Nemesis 1 - Nemesis 2 - Salamander - Nemesis 3 - Parodius). Unfortunaly, it is hosted on a site with traffic limitations : http://www.geocities.com/Shion_kun

Since today, this problem is resolved for the great pleasure of all MSX fans, as a mirror is now available on the ever growing MSX Blue domain :

En línea

blueMSX co-developer and MSX blue webmaster
blueMSX - MSX blue - MSX Eggerland
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