Apostasía: un MSXero que ha comprado una 3DO, cuando todos sabemos que por culpa de Panasonic y el lanzamiento apresurado de la 3DO nos quedamos sin MSX3...
Jajaja. Más o menos ésta es la versión que damos los MSXeros, pero lo cierto es que un MSX3 era algo inviable tras el fiasco de Panasonic con el Turbo-R, pasando por encima de los estándares y de ASCII mismo.
Felicidades por la adquisición. Pero creo que sigo ganando yo en cuanto a precios con el lote que me agencié en Inglaterra por 50 libras:
(6x) Complete boxed Pioneer Palcom PX7 (black version, PAL)
(5x) spare Pioneer PX7 keyboards
(1x) Pioneer Palcom PX7 complete, unboxed [working]
(1x) Pioneer PX7 with no cover, unboxed
(1x) Pioneer PX7 with no case plus extra mother board (used as test board)
(1x) Philips VG8235 [modified to support the external 2DD double drive, internal 1DD not working]
(1x) External double disk drive [working]
(1x) Philips internal drive [not tested]
(1x) A pot full of MSX ICs (Z80A CPU, TMS9929 VDP, RAM, etc.)
(9x) PX-RA32 32KB RAM expansion (x6 factory sealed, x2 boxed, x1 loose)
(18x) Electric Soft. Graphic Editor (soft card format) (x16 factory sealed, x2 card+instructions) [working]
Graphic Editor Graphic Editor
(19x) Softcard adaptor (x15 factory sealed, x4 spare) [working]
(1x) Pioneer PX-T87 Graphic Tablet [working]
(1x) Folder with various documentations, instructions, blueprints, schematics, handwritten original schematics, MSX-related letters, etc.
(1x) Yamaha FD03 external 3.5" 1DD 360 KB disk drive (unit, interface, PSU) [working]
(1x) Slot expander x4 (unknown manufacturer) [working]
(1x) Philips modem
(1x) Philips Music Module [working]
(1x) Pioneer PX-RS7 (complete, boxed) RS-232 interface [working]
(1x) Toshiba HX-R700 (loose) RS-232 interface [working]
(1x) NEOS audio visual cartridge (two RCAs on the top, sound sampler?) [working]
(3x) Konami games, boxed: Usas [working], Vampire Killer [working], Nemesis [working]
(3x) Applications, boxed: PrintXpress (disk) [working], Anglosoft Video Titler (disk) [working], Videoquip Titling Display (tape)
(1x) Paralel printer cable (home made)
(3x) How to use PX7 (2 cartridges in each set) (2x boxed, 1x unboxed)
(1x) Toshiba HX-10 Test ROM
(1x) Idea Base (cartridge) [working]
(1x) Video Art (graphic tablet software) (cartridge) [working]
(1x) Videoquip Titling Display (cartridge) [working]
(1x) Strange cartridge with a battery, written on the board: Oberon Design, Oxford, MSX 64 KB. Any ideas?
(various) Books and instructions, including the MSX Red Book, MSX Technical Databook (Microsoft version!), MSX Programmers Guide, Introduction to BASIC, Hardware Projects for MSX/Amstrad CPC and a unknown dutch(?) fanzine from 1993.
(1x) Philips Video Graphics (complete with instructions) [working]
(1x) Sony JS-55 joystick
(1x) Sony GB-6 trackball
(+150) Loose disks with original software, backups and ready made video-titling sequences from Videoquip and Yorkshire Television (including TV adverts and broadcast titlings)
Y lo que te rondaré, morena.