Título: PRESS RELEASE - Time of changes Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 13 de Julio de 2009, 09:03:30 am Time of changes
After sharing an adventure of more than 5 years, Karoshi Corporation members, Jon Cortázar and Eduardo Robsy, have decided to give an end to their common project and continue their activities on their own, always into the MSX world and giving high quality works for the computers from the first generation of the system. The reasons of this separation are operational. In the last years both members have developed their own projects with different cooperators outside Karoshi Corp. and, after a time of reflexion, they've decided to continue the same way, helping the creation of wider and multidisciplinar teams. About Karoshi brand, it will be kept alive by its original founder in 2003, Eduardo Robsy, on his own. Jon Cortázar will keep his funcions as administrator of Karoshi MSX Community boards, and will keep on his huge list of developments with other cooperators, but now outside the team. Anyway, both Jon and Edu don't want to miss the opportunity to thank all users and friends the great feedback they have always shared about their productions and all the support they have shown during this years to the common project they created. So this changes inside Karoshi Corporation will not affect the community in any way, because they both will still keep their original philosophy: to develop professional quality games for the first generation of the MSX system. Karoshi Corp. |