Karoshi MSX Community

Archivo (pre 2018) => MSXdev '13 => Mensaje iniciado por: Jon_Cortazar en 11 de Enero de 2013, 07:27:38 am

Título: MSXdev'13 - Prizes poll
Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 11 de Enero de 2013, 07:27:38 am
Well, here you have the poll about the prizes. Feel free to cast your vote and comment! ;) I also added the big prize option with cash donations, as some here suggested that the lack of prizes could have been a discouraging factor for possible contestants. I am not into it, but anyway... my vote has gone to "no prizes", as I do not really need extra motivations!

Título: Re: MSXdev'13 - Prizes poll
Publicado por: nanochess en 11 de Enero de 2013, 03:25:41 pm
My vote is for option 1+2.

BTW, looks like a good idea if first place gets 50% of money pool, second place 30% and third place 20% also if sponsorized prizes can be arranged to rules by the sponsors (like the MSXdev'10)

As a coder I think that getting even a small prize is one of the best rewards for the very big effort of writing a complete game.

I'm writing this hearing Megaman mix by Iggy Rock (very inspirating :))

Título: Re: MSXdev'13 - Prizes poll
Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 12 de Enero de 2013, 08:47:56 am
Woa! So definitely it seems that WE WANT prizes! ;D ;D ;D ;D. Not what it has been spotted into the dev reflections thread, so I guess those kind of anonym polls are starting to be useful... ::)

As previous polls, this one will be closed tonight and will be running the whole day. Before that, I think we've gathered the necessary info to build the rules for the MSXdev'13. Thanks everyone for your opinions!