Título: Korean SCC thing Publicado por: BodyHammeR en 15 de Marzo de 2006, 01:19:35 pm Pictures of the PCB of a cartridge that was in a lot I bought off a MSX user a short while ago.
Can anyone tell me what it is and how to get it working again? Front (http://darknessgod.fixato.co.uk/dump/n00bSCC/n00bSCC_PCB_Front.jpg) Back (http://darknessgod.fixato.co.uk/dump/n00bSCC/n00bSCC_PCB_Back.jpg) Thanks. EDIT: It is a Korean Quarth. Here (http://darknessgod.fixato.co.uk/dump/n00bSCC/BiFiMSX.new_n00bSCC_PCB_Back.jpg) is a picture detailing how to make it working again! Remove the horizontal wire and add a wire between the circular marks. Thanks to everyone for their replies! Título: Re: Korean SCC thing Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 15 de Marzo de 2006, 02:30:04 pm /me has no idea
Anyone? |