Título: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Enero de 2013, 11:14:13 am We are now creating the threads with the needed information about the new MSXdev'13. Please be patient as we upload every content! ;)
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Imanok en 14 de Enero de 2013, 12:54:39 pm Just one thing... why don't you open a poll regarding the sticker requirement?... I think it should be optional, just like sharing the sources.
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Enero de 2013, 01:34:09 pm Mmmm well, we can put it as optional with no poll... I mean, several times developers are running out of time trying to reach the deadline and told us about the need of the sticker: it is a good suggestion, I will put it as optional right now ;).
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Imanok en 14 de Enero de 2013, 02:18:40 pm I think that's the best option. That requirement is only an additional headache for the contestants and it would only have sense if it had some influence in the final score.
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Enero de 2013, 02:28:14 pm Well, I need to setup the Donation thread, with the Paypal account, etc. I'll do it l8r, so everything will be set and ready! :D
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: mars2000you en 14 de Enero de 2013, 10:18:15 pm Announced on the 'other' MSXdev website :)
http://msxdev.msxblue.com/?p=1834 Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Enero de 2013, 10:31:29 pm I'm still writing the announce thread. So congratulations, you will be the first one, even 1 day faster than the official source of information! ;)...
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: mars2000you en 14 de Enero de 2013, 10:53:37 pm No, Konamito is the first one :)
http://www.konamito.com/abierta-msxdev13/ Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Enero de 2013, 10:56:16 pm Aww, I am being too late then ;)
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Konamito en 15 de Enero de 2013, 01:07:20 am No, Konamito is the first one :) http://www.konamito.com/abierta-msxdev13/ ;) Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: nitrofurano en 13 de Junio de 2013, 06:03:47 pm Aww, I am being too late then ;) about being too late, only now i'm starting to "successfully" use Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler for creating msx roms ( http://www.boriel.com/forum/wishlist/started-msx-version-help-needed-as-well-t811.html ) , and the deadline is too close... :S (i imagined msxdev2013 deadline would be around december, not now... :S ) - will be there another contest (even prizeless) still in this year? Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 14 de Junio de 2013, 06:48:55 am Well, let's finish this contest first, nitro! Anyway, I am pretty sure more will follow.
And about the deadline: as some people asked be about this matter, I'll clarify it here. Contestants can submit their entries during the whole day set as the deadline (as always), that is tomorrow 15th june So you have today and tomorrow to finish your entries!! MSXdev fever is here again!!! :-* :-* :-* Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: nitrofurano en 14 de Junio de 2013, 05:05:54 pm let me see if i can submit even a Snake game, or worse! :D (btw, i could finally get snsmat bios routine call working on Boriel's ZX-Basic Compiler! yes! \o/ - let me see what i can do in these remaining 30 hours! :D (btw Jon, did you mean deadline at 23:59 in Bilbao/Paris/Milano time of saturday? here will be 22:59... ) )
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: nitrofurano en 14 de Junio de 2013, 07:22:04 pm (just a question that might sound stupid: 16kb of ram, from the rules, means between 0xC000 and 0xFFFF ?)
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: MsxKun en 14 de Junio de 2013, 08:46:42 pm (just a question that might sound stupid: 16kb of ram, from the rules, means between 0xC000 and 0xFFFF ?) Yep. Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 16 de Junio de 2013, 09:52:17 am Soon the voting thread will be opened, so stay tuned. Remember you have new games for you to play during your wait! ;-)
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: nitrofurano en 16 de Junio de 2013, 02:15:38 pm Soon the voting thread will be opened, so stay tuned. Remember you have new games for you to play during your wait! ;-) will be a hard task this time, very good games! :) Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 16 de Junio de 2013, 04:22:52 pm Tomorrow, as the rules state, the poll will be up. Take your now time to enjoy these newborn MSX games!!
Also, we will open an (english) thread to gather opinions about participation, prizes, contest timeline, etc... it can be interesting for upcoming MSXdev editions. Some people are asking privately, but we really feel we can talk about all those matter together. Happy gaming! Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: MsxKun en 16 de Junio de 2013, 05:20:17 pm Tomorrow, as the rules state, the poll will be up. Take your now time to enjoy these newborn MSX games!! Frak! Give us some more time to play them :P I -only- finished 2. One twice, and the other with unproper end... But I think I advanced quite on the other ones... Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Iggy Rock en 16 de Junio de 2013, 10:38:44 pm clockshiting...
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: makinavaja en 18 de Junio de 2013, 09:06:30 pm My vote wouldn't come until next week, after exams. Also I want to do a good and deep test to all the games, of course.
Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Iggy Rock en 18 de Junio de 2013, 09:17:02 pm My vote wouldn't come until next week, after exams. Also I want to do a good and deep test to all the games, of course. nice! I'm taking my time for a good testing too. Actually I'm very dissapointed with some of the trainspotting's opinions. Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 19 de Junio de 2013, 06:32:44 am ¡nice! I'm taking my time for a good testing too. Actually I'm very dissapointed with some of the trainspotting's opinions. Iggy, dont' get angry and please take it the funny side: first-posters from the same city that them preferred game's developer, developers' family joining the MSXdev fun... so go bring some popcorn, because this would get really entertaining :D. Let's be productive here: the comments I really appreciate, both the positive and the negative ones, are from those I respect from the scene and knows what they are talking about, so them comments make my game improve. Just ignore first-posters and such, and remember: don't feed the trolls! ::peace:: Título: Re: Creating MSXdev'13 threads. Soon the contest will be opened! Publicado por: Jon_Cortazar en 27 de Junio de 2013, 10:57:49 am Just wanted to drop here a line for you to remember that the voting closes this sunday 30th June (you've got the full day to cast your vote). Also, if you are not an user of the forum boards and want to vote for the best MSXdev game, please register and send an email to the forum admins so your account can be manually accepted: please, if you are planning to register do it asap and don't wait for sunday to do it, as probably admins won't be there full-time to accept your registration!
Thnx, and keep on enjoying the last days of the MSXdev'13! Good luck to every contestant! |