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Desarrollo MSX => Development (English/Ingles) => Mensaje iniciado por: AxelStone en 03 de Marzo de 2016, 08:09:12 pm

Título: Help with ASM code (DPLAY source)
Publicado por: AxelStone en 03 de Marzo de 2016, 08:09:12 pm
Hi everybody, I need help of ASM coders. I'd like to use Animecha (a powerful animation editor) in my app. Animecha provides 2 players: in Basic and DOS (DPLAY). In order to use DOS version with C/Pascal, I've found ASM sources of DPLAY and I need to modify the return routine.

The sources can be found here (http://msxbanzai.tni.nl/dev/DPLAY.LZH) but I've tried several compilers from MSX (M80, Compass) and for PC (SJASM) and all of them produces error.

I have almost no knowledge of ASM, so I need help of skilled ASM coders. What compiler do I need to use?


Título: Re:Help with ASM code (DPLAY source)
Publicado por: samsaga2 en 07 de Marzo de 2016, 08:09:50 am
I think it has incomplete source code. Some functions are not defined:

$ sjasm DPLAY.ASM
Sjasm Z80 Assembler v0.42c - www.xl2s.tk
DPLAY.ASM(1374) : Label not found: AniCmd
DRIVER.ASM(78) : Label not found: _var6
DRIVER.ASM(192) : Label not found: _copyIntF
DRIVER.ASM(279) : Label not found: _DoPlay1
DRIVER.ASM(309) : Label not found: AniCmd
DRIVER.ASM(834) : Label not found: AniCmd
DPLAY.ASM(1588) : Label not found: calsub

$ grep DoPlay1 *.ASM
DRIVER.ASM: jr nz,_DoPlay1

$ grep calsub *.ASM
DPLAY.ASM: call calsub