Título: Help with the "MSX2 Technical HandBook" Publicado por: manolito74 en 12 de Agosto de 2014, 02:34:04 pm Hello,
I have "all" the MSX2 Technical HandBook scanned but I am afraid that there is some pages that I don't have. I need the following pages: Page: 1-8 Páge 2-36 Páge: 3-6 Páge: 3-24 Páge: 3-36 Páge: 4-40 Páge: 4-42 Páge: 5-18 Páge: 5-38 Páge: 5-48 Have anyone the Original Book? I'd need these pages scanned from the Original Book. Thank you very much indeed. Best Regards. ;-) |