Karoshi MSX Community

Desarrollo MSX => Enlaces - Links => Mensaje iniciado por: theNestruo en 26 de Marzo de 2018, 09:48:38 pm

Título: Código fuente público
Publicado por: theNestruo en 26 de Marzo de 2018, 09:48:38 pm
Juegos (ensamblador):
  • Deep Dungeon Adventure (https://github.com/artrag/Deep-Dungeon-Adventure) (Trilobyte, 2008)
  • Genesis: dawn of a new day (https://www.retroworks.es/php/game_en.php?id=8) (Retroworks, 2010)
  • I Need Speed (http://computeremuzone.com/ficha.php?id=752&l=en) (CEZ GS, 2009)
  • Jinj 2: Belmonte's Revenge (https://www.retroworks.es/php/game_en.php?id=10) (Retroworks, 2012)
  • JumpinG (http://msxdev.msxblue.com/?page_id=5) (Dimension Z/Pepe Vila, 2011)
  • Menace (https://github.com/k0gaMSX/menace) (The New Image, 2009)
  • Pyramid Warp (https://github.com/theNestruo/msx-pyramidwarpex) (T&E Soft, 1983): desensamblado
  • Robots (https://github.com/samsaga2/robots) (Víctor Marzo, 2015)
  • Sky Jaguar (https://pastebin.com/qJ0CXpCq) (Konami, 1984): desensamblado
  • Sword of Ianna, The (MSX2) (https://github.com/fjpena/sword-of-ianna-msx2) (Retroworks, 2017)
  • Tales of Popolon (https://github.com/santiontanon/talesofpopolon) (Santi (Popolon) Ontañón, 2016)
  • Transball (https://github.com/santiontanon/transballmsx) (Santi (Popolon) Ontañón, 2017)
  • Uridium (https://github.com/artrag/Uridium-msx1) (Trilobyte, 2014)
  • XSpelunker (https://github.com/santiontanon/xspelunker) (Santi (Popolon) Ontañón, 2017)
  • Zombie Near (https://github.com/nanochess/Zombie-Near) (Oscar (Nanochess) Toledo, 2012)

Juegos (C):
  • INERTIA (http://andrear.altervista.org/home/inertia.php) (Andrea Rosetti, 2006): SDCC