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Autor Tema: bash script for converting .rom into .cas, and play them  (Leído 9059 veces)
0 Usuarios y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.
Karoshi Maniac
Mensajes: 259

« : 11 de Mayo de 2016, 10:11:27 am »

hi everyone!

recently i posted this bash script in a msx.org forum thread:
- http://pastebin.com/raw/TZGcC6kT (on the msx.org forum is at https://www.msx.org/forum/msx-talk/development/trying-to-convert-rom-into-cas-with-a-bash-script?page=2 )

about playing, the idea is to have a cassette cable connected between the msx and the sound output from a desktop/laptop/workstation/tablet(like with Ubuntu or Debian installed), enter ‘run"cas:’ on the msx, and run this converter/player script - i didn’t test it yet, please let me know some feedback about, how fine it works! Smiley (i only tested the .cas files from OpenMSX, and all results works fine, when they are supposed to run)

for now, what is missing is to convert 48kb rom files (like those unpaged from MSXDev-Karoshi compos), do anyone know how can we do that? i tried to use routines from CasLink, but they are not working yet... - thanks! Smiley

« Última modificación: 11 de Mayo de 2016, 10:17:27 am por nitrofurano » En línea
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