this seems a dummy topic but actually concerns internet and competition and Spain, thus you could be interested.
In those days in Italy Telecom Italia is raising the residential access fee on about 2€/month.
Telcom announced a similar price increase for the monthly rental of the local loop unbundling (the wholesale service that alternative operators pay to use the copper line to the end users).
In the same time Telecom Italia Mobile will be allowed to keep the termination prices for calls toward its mobile phones at prices 3 times the value suggested by the European Commissions.
The reasons for all this?
The nominal reason is to allow the rise of money to be invested in new generation networks.
A more concrete reason is that Telecom has a HUGE debt (about 38 BILLIONS of €) and is risking to be sold to Telefonica (the Spanish TLC operator).
The increase of the prices will allow not to cover the debt but to become a bit less vulnerable to Telefonica...
In few words, they make to pay to the Italian customers the protection of such company.
If you think that European Community exists and is based on a unique market ruled by actual competition....
If you want to help the Italian customers to not pay extra money to cover the bad management and the political errors that conditioned Telecom Italia to accumulate its debts...
you could sign this internet petition from an Italian customer association.
http://www.altroconsumo.it/telefono/no-all-aumento-del-canone-telecom-si-ad-un-taglio-netto-delle-tariffe-di-terminazione-mobile-e-alla-separazione-societaria-della-rete-firma-anche-tu-la-nostra-petizione-s224573.htmjust click on "Aderisci alla Petizione" and fill the form with Name Surname and if you want a comment at you wish
It would be nice to collect the opinions of Spanish citizens.
The Italian politicians should understand that some decisions affect and concerns also other European citizens.
Thanks a lot!