- A layer for overlapping sprites (similar to photoshop)
sprites are no sprites, as in: nothing that special... basically the sprites-layer will be just like foreground-color layer, which work similar, so that's no problem.. I prolly add 8 layers.. as msx2 (screen4) can have 8 sprites on a row .. a tad over the top perhaps, but hey.. if only 1 person actually uses that, it was worth the 1 minute I'll spend on it..

- Bitmap import (the bitmap must be well prepared, I mean 2 colors per byte ->no convertor needed)
How important is this? Is using a tool like bmp2msx to convert something to .sc2 not enough? (I'll have sc2-loading)
- 1 bit Bitmap import (for the front layer of sprites - can be used as a guide too)
- Mapping support:
Don't just edit the patterns but the screen map too (you have the library of patterns, but another 32x24 matrix to place them and save the map)
there'll be a built-in simple map-editor... so for the moment that'll do..
- 3 different banks support (768 different tiles editable, when mapping the application must check the bank to show the correct tile for it)
I'll have 2 modes for the map-editor then: 256-mode and 768-mode, 256-mode is for games that 'scroll' in every direction, and 768-mode for games that only scrols horizontally.
- A Font system (a letter=a character). So in the mapping window, I could type a text, and the program place correctly the previously defined characters for each keystrike.
you mean a map-editor especially for text .. don't you agree that's a bit lazy?

- Automatic color change tool: example, every black color (1) in document/selection must be dark blue (4).
simple, will be done..
- Automatic Pallete Rearrange tool: example, black color (1) always as bgcolor (when found as frontcolor, palette data for this byte should swap)
kinda like the [R] button in polka1 ?