I solved many bugs but at least remains one known in hyperspace... Some times it appears, some times not

. Double fire sometimes... well... it's a minor bug

. I think I solved a bug with laser but it has not been checked

Sorry but I have not more time.
I was unable to add FX. I need more time to sound good with the music.
But there are bugs solved: fifht sprite, flickering with start screen, a new enemie design that didn't show correctly, corrected the tile button when opening doors, power movement with boss, joystick control supported and I added more text to the ending to explain the story.
So, it's a finished game with only one planet (mini-game): Nayade Resistance - Episode I.
Out of contest I will finish Nayade Resistance with the two more episodes (designed, programmed and with a lot of bugs), but the game for the contest is this finished game.
Thanks for playing!